Ever have issues connecting to your Tableau Server PostgreSQL database due to a port issue? If so, you're not alone! I too have struggled with this before and after hitting it just the second time I did some digging and fond how to determine the port of the Tableau Server PostgreSQL database. Here you go:
- Browse to your Tableau Server config location and open up this file:
[install drive]:TableauTableau Serverdatatabsvcconfigconnections.yml - Find the line in there showing the port “pgsql.port: XXXX”
Then when connecting to Tableau Servers PostgreSQL database you simply enter that value into the ‘port' textbox in the connection form and viola!
Hope this helps!
Hey, I think the [install drive] should instead be C:ProgramData
update here, the file has moved, however you can still set this port using the following command:
tabdamin set pgsql.port
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Thank you so much for sharing this! I was trying to hit the port my primary is on, which is just the default 80. When I tried to connect to port 80, Tableau just ran and ran (5+ minutes) without finding anything.
Putting in the right port matters. I never knew about this connection file either.
I am using default password and i am getting this error when i am connecting from one of the worker, thanks in advance. FATAL: password authentication failed for user “rails”